When I grow up.

Design by Unknown – Found on http://www.londonwebdesigner.co.uk .

When I grow up, I’d like to be a Web Designer. I’ve always had love of computers and making things, no matter what they are (music, art, whatever). Also, I love to work by myself. I was never the kind of person who wanted to work in a cubicle. I’ve always wanted to be in charge of myself and my schedule. I can never work for a job I hate, I’d end up breaking. I’d legitimately rather live poor than spend my whole life suffering doing something I hate that isn’t creative or productive. I couldn’t rest at night knowing I’m going to die one day and I spent my entire life sitting in a box all day every day. No amount of money is worth that feeling, to me at least.

To me, design and art is my escape. I love to create and build, to code and edit, and I’ve fallen in love with coding websites. I love the feeling of being in charge of my rates and getting to do what I want (and obviously, figure out what the consumer wants as well).

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