

Hello there! My name is Marshall V. Price, I’m 16 years old, and a young web-designer in the making. I am the oldest of three siblings (I have two sisters) and have lived with my parents here in Utah my whole life. I’ve always had a love for computers, but when I’m not on the computer, my main hobby is music. Not a moment goes by with me when there isn’t music in the air, or just humming or tapping a drum beat on the table. I collect music as well as just listen: I have around 300 vinyl records, 500-600 CDs and 70+ cassettes in my ever-increasing collection, all of various genres and styles.

Scouting is really important to me. I’ve been a member of the Boy Scouts over half of my existence (9 years now! Seems like it was just yesterday!) and I reached the rank of Eagle Scout two years back. The memories and skills I aquired there will remain with me for the rest of my life. I was the Senior Patrol Leader of a troop of around thirty boys for a period of two years (we really should have elected somebody else by that point, but I just had fun doing so they let me keep it up) and I learned a ton about leadership from that position. I am not in a leadership position in that troop anymore, but now I am the Vice Mayor of the West Haven Youth Council. The West Haven Youth Council is a band of 70+ kids with a love of helping out the community. We organize and execute community events in West Haven such as the Easter Egg Hunt and the Pumpkin Walk, which bring in thousands of people every year. I have the time of my life doing these events and getting to interact and give back to my people is always a blast. I’m the Vice Mayor, so I overlook the others, coordinate and plan out events. It’s hard, but I have fun doing it.

For the past four months, I’ve been attending classes at the DATC in hopes and persuit of a career in the web design field. I’ve already gotten past the point of Digital Media Assistant, but I’m still working towards that Web Designer certificate. I have more to learn; there is no direction but upwards for me!

If you want to view my resume, you can view it right here.

Thank you for being fantastic! Peace be with you!

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