When I grow up.

Design by Unknown – Found on http://www.londonwebdesigner.co.uk .

When I grow up, I’d like to be a Web Designer. I’ve always had love of computers and making things, no matter what they are (music, art, whatever). Also, I love to work by myself. I was never the kind of person who wanted to work in a cubicle. I’ve always wanted to be in charge of myself and my schedule. I can never work for a job I hate, I’d end up breaking. I’d legitimately rather live poor than spend my whole life suffering doing something I hate that isn’t creative or productive. I couldn’t rest at night knowing I’m going to die one day and I spent my entire life sitting in a box all day every day. No amount of money is worth that feeling, to me at least.

To me, design and art is my escape. I love to create and build, to code and edit, and I’ve fallen in love with coding websites. I love the feeling of being in charge of my rates and getting to do what I want (and obviously, figure out what the consumer wants as well).

Changing the world.

Art by MEEK.

If I was forced to change one thing about the world, I’d probably change the way people seem to be so quick to blame each other. I cannot stand the way people try to avoid taking responisbility for their actions, and instead blame others for their problems or mistakes. In my eyes, it seems like people tend to point their fingers at others when they even have to take the slightest bit of credit for their doings.

But who am I to speak? Who am I to act like some kind of noble atop a pedestal. I mean, I try to avoid doing this myself, but sometimes I end up blaming others. I try to avoid pointing the finger as much as possible, but sometimes I slip. After all, who wants to be told they’re the ones in the wrong? That they’re the bad guy.

Perhaps it’s in human nature?

My favorite holiday.


Photograph by Unknown.

I have always been a fan of Christmas. It isn’t just presents that make Christmas, in my opinion, the best time of the year. I love the spirit of Christmas. The lights. The songs. The mood. The snow. I love the genuine feeling of happiness getting to spend quality time with my family around the Christmas tree. Also, Christmas time is one of the only times I can see my cousins throughout the year (really, the only other times we see them are on Thanksgiving, our birthdays, and Comic Con. I love getting to hang out with them, so that’s a serious shame).

I love Christmas because it brings out the best in people, the side of people I sometimes can’t see during the normal year (maybe that’s a bit too teenage-angst-y, but can you not agree to a slight degree?).